Car is one automobile that has been a mode of transport on roads for a long time now. A passenger car used by people, to go to office, shopping malls, and to vacation destinations along with family members is what comes to mind when we hear the word car. A car is a motorized vehicle that runs on petroleum (now diesel and battery also). It is a type of moving small room with seats for passengers and four doors to get in and out. The front of a car has a steering wheel that is in the hands of the driver who uses it to stay clear of other vehicles and bikes on the road. A car runs on 4 wheels that have rubberized tires inflated with air.
Motorcycle is so called as it runs on 2 wheels just like a bicycle but does not use manpower. It rather makes use of an engine that runs on petrol. However, it is similar to a bicycle in the sense that the rider has to balance it, and it cannot run without the rider trying to maintain its balance. The wheels have rubberized tires on and inflated with air. A rider has to wear protective gear like a helmet as a motorcycle is not covered like a car and the rider has to brave the elements.