History The 1966 book, "Artificial Intelligence Through Simulated Evolution" by Fogel, Owens and Walsh is the landmark publication for EP applications, although many other papers appear earlier in the literature. In the book, finite state automata were evolved to predict symbol strings generated from Markov processes and non- stationary time series. Such evolutionary prediction was motivated by a recognition that prediction is a keystone to intelligent behavior (defined in terms of adaptive behavior, in that the intelligent organism must anticipate events in order to adapt behavior in light of a goal). In 1992, the First Annual Conference on EVOLUTIONARY PROGRAMMING was held in La Jolla, CA. Further conferences have been held annually (See Q12). The conferences attract a diverse group of academic, commercial and military researchers engaged in both developing the theory of the EP technique and in applying EP to a wide range of OPTIMIZATION problems, both in engineering and biology. Rather than list and analyze the sources in detail, several fundamental sources are listed below which should serve as good pointers to the entire body of work in the field.