HI Seoul Festival 2009
The idea and concept for what has become the largest outdoor festival in Seoul came about after the large community support in downtown Seoul during the 2002 FIFA World Cup Games. The initiative was to sustain the festive mood, commonly termed 'red fever' This demonstrated the possibility for a festival, with the first 'Hi Seoul' festival taking place in 2003. Participation was 600,000 that year, increasing to 10.52 million in total for four festivals in 2008. That year the festival was divided into four seasonal festival to further boost the image of Seoul as being a festival city. Due to the regional and global economic downturn, in 2009 the festival was reduced to two festivals, in spring and winter. The spring festival took the theme of 'Palace' and used five ancient palaces to showcase the history and culture of Seoul 'Hot Pink' was chosen as the theme colour to symbolise hope and love. it was held on 2-10 May