We now have the value of the branded business as a proportion of the total value of the corporation. But this branded business value is still not quite the core that we are after. To arrive at Brand Value, we need to peel away a few more layers, such as the rational factors that influence the value of the branded business, for example: price, convenience, availability and distribution.
Because a brand exists in the mind of the consumer, we have to assess the brand's uniqueness and its ability to stand out from the crowd, generate desire and cultivate loyalty. We call this unique role played by brand, Brand Contribution.
Here's what makes BrandZ so unique and important. BrandZ is the only brand valuation methodology that obtains this customer viewpoint by conducting worldwide ongoing, in-depth quantitative consumer research, online and face-to-face, building up a global picture of brands on a category-by-category, and country-by-country basis. Our research now covers over two million consumers and more than 10,000 different brands in over 30 countries.