The Teacher says good day to you.
We must not allow the peace of the world to be jeopardized.
we need to take a 15-minute recess now.
We will advise you furtherat the end of that time.
We can't use the stairs.
I still get lost every other day
We can grab a sandwich.
I've got to get back in to get my stuff.
We're out having a good time, so leave a message.
We need you for a few minutes.
It doesn't have to be.
we're confident the French proposal will be vetoed.
You can tell him yourself.
It will end here.
The Teacher will never leave this room alive.
It didn't mean anything to me at the time.
I heard something today.
I think they were talking about Edmond Zuwanie.
He's planning to come here to address the GA.
The first of the demonstrators.
They're here to protest the appearance later this week by Edmond Zuwanie.
We're with Foreign Dignitary Protection.
It's a branch of the US government.
This is international territory.
I need you to wait for an escort.
She's just what they want.
We're responsible for visiting heads of state.
I don't recall seeing you around.
They hire us for our forgettable faces.
I don't concentrate on faces in my job.
I look after the man who's been threatened, if there was a threat.
It turns some people into stand-up comedians.
You don't know me at all.
You don't look scared.
I believe in what it tries to accomplish.
I believe in this place.
I wouldn't haven reported it.
It's not what I want.
Your profession is playing with words.
I don't play with words.
I don't care for him.
I didn't make it up.
We had an evacuation.
I'd left some things in the sound booth.
Whispers disguise the quality of a voice.
I don't concentrate on faces in my job