Th manipulation of exercises order in the circuit training sessions did not influence the TWV.
It has been recognized some benefits of TWV on muscular performance.
Some studies have reported benefis related to TWV, so that as higher is the TWV, as greater are the strength gains26, the release of anabolic hormones27,28 and the muscular hypertrophy29.
Threefore, based on our results, we can suggest that in the circuit training session, muscular
gains related to TWV are similar, regardless of exercise execution order.
Even if our study did not investigate chronic effects, it could be speculated that the TWV values for SEQA (mean=22386.45; SD=3426.6) and SEQB (mean=23065.91; SD=3605.16) could have been different if subjects had followed a complete training protocol (with more than one session).
Some studies use TWV as performance measure.
Th fist study was that carried out by Sforzo and Touey11, which compared two different
sequences of six exercises for upper- and lower-body, one starting with groups of large muscles, and the other using groups of smaller muscles at the beginning of the training session.
Slowly, the classicfiation for groups of large and small muscles was replaced by single- and multi-joint exercises.
Using this new classicfiation,Gil et al.12, observed TWV in one sequence of three upper-body exercises, manipulating the order of the fist and the third exercises.
Th authors verifid that TWV was higher when the sequence started with multi-joint
exercise and lower when it started with single-joint exercises.
Results from the present study do not support those obtained by Gil et al.12. It is important to consider that Gil et al.12 used 45º leg press exercises in the training session.
This is a multi-joint exercise, which simultaneously activates both anterior and posterior leg muscles, leading to greater load support.
On the other hand, the other two exercises were single-joint, which only the anterior (leg extension) or the posterior leg muscles (hamstring curl) contribute to the movement.
Threfore, lower loads were supported in these exercises.
Since the TWV calculation considers the number of repetitions, and that generally this variable is affected by exercise order, we can suggest that it is possible that the high load on the 45 leg press, multiplied by the high number of repetitions under the condition that this exercise
was performed at the beginning had affected the equation, making VTT to be significantly diffrent between sequences.