Study of mosquitoes rest during daylight in the University area. Faculty The mosquito samples were collected from various points on campus. In the period from 06:00 to 18:00 hrs. With the swing hovering, hovering 20 points in each survey. And mosquito samples were collected from March to April. The sampling was conducted in areas where there is the rest of nature. The rest indoors and outdoors. A survey of all 63 points were the hotbed room of mosquitoes 14 points mosquitoes found 87 classified into seven currencies and all-in race Aedini found by mosquitoes of the genus Ayurakitia sp. (31 characters) followed. the currency is Borichinda (Bc. cavernicola) most (25) in the area of exploration. The point is unfortunately the bathroom or basement storage room. It found that mosquitoes rest on a small scale. And species of mosquitoes found in the area, these are the Tribe Aedini Ayurakitia sp. And Isoaedes (la. Cavaticus), which is found in different moments. For the rest of nature as a source of dense vegetation or grasses or common mosquito Tribe Aedini, Isoaedes (la. Cavaticus) and Borichinda (Bc. Cavernicola) and in the period between 16:00 to 18:00 hrs. Most. the areas where mosquitoes do not be characterized as a relatively open space shaded with little wind.