Jesperson (1910) stated that pronunciation can be systematically taught as one whole course. This kind of teaching and learning pronunciation class is called a phonetics course. Phonetics is the science of speech sound, their production by means of lips, tongue, palate, and vocal cords, their acoustic qualities, their combination into syllables and other sound groups, and finally quantity, stress and intonation. Students will understand pronunciation process and will be able to correct their own pronunciation.
Thai students, studying English as a foreign language is not easy. Speaking and communication with native speaker will be difficult if there is lack of pronunciation in speaking. Winddowson (1962) has pointed that English is now learn and spoken most frequently to serve international function among second language speakers in international contests. The first language speakers have forfeited the right to dictate standards of pronunciation for using second language. Dalton and Seidhofer (1994) defined that the importance of pronunciation in general terms as the production of significant sound in two senses as follows. First, sound is significant because it is used as part of a code of a particular language. Second, sound is significant because it is used to achieve meaning in context of use the misunderstandings in conversation might happen as a result of wrong pronunciation in English.
One of the most important problems in learning English involves students’ ability to read aloud, which is essential in learning English for communication. Reading aloud or oral reading requires good pronunciation and spelling skills. While reading aloud, students have to use both spelling and pronunciation skills; therefore, spelling and pronunciation are so closely related that they cannot be separated clearly. Students who cannot link spelling and pronunciation are nervous when speaking English in class. If they cannot read out loud, they are also afraid of learning English. There are many reasons in learning English pronunciation. Firstly the students are afraid of making mistakes in front of their instructors and friends. Secondly, some instructors often make instant corrections of grammar and pronunciation, paying less attention to the amount of language a student is attempting to produce. Thirdly, they think, they do not have sufficient vocabulary to express their ideas. Fourthly they think they do not have enough response to real English. Finally, a very important factor has to study with the students’ English pronunciation problems. English pronunciation in class has not always been as successful as other aspects of English.
One of the main important problems in learning English is English pronunciation, which is essential in using communicative English.The researcher would like to earn English pronunciation abilities of EIC students and explore the problems encountered by the EIC students at Faculty of Social Technology, Rajamagala University of Technology IsanKalasin Campus, has found that numerous students use English to communicate with others and they encounter many pronunciation problems. Most of them do not like to read aloud as they are afraid of making mistaken and are not confident enough to do that, and they lack this ability when they are outside the classroom. From what has been discussed. The results of the study will be beneficial to develop teaching strategies for English instructors, which will in turn contribute to students’ improvement of their overall pronunciation