Dec. 10 57 The United States warned American citizens in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Thai, watch out for and avoid the closer the rally because it may cause serious protests against the u. s. After the disclosure of a report suspects as terrorists with barbaric methods.
A foreign news agency report from Washington USA To date 10 Dec said the u.s. Embassy in Pakistan and Afghanistan's Thai American citizens warning to be aware of these countries, as well as avoiding the situation or the rally area, closer to a confrontation because there is a possibility that it may be a serious protest against the United States after the u.s. Senate disclosure reports on torture investigation techniques of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) applied to the suspects belong to the terrorist group.
The warning sent to Americans in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Thai. Embassy of United States in the three countries indicate that the disclosure of the intelligence report of the u.s. Senate Environment Commission that studies incarceration and an investigation of CIA atkratun to protest against the United States and the use of violence against the interests of the United States, including American citizens.
In addition, u.s. Consulate in Chiang Mai, also issued a warning as well. While Afghanistan and the secret Thai prison is that the United States used as places to investigate prisoner.