Even in today's Internet communications will improve dramatically. People who use the Internet to communicate, to do any business with more communication convenience which today's world of modern technology. Thailand to play a role in society. It can be said that technology is part of everyday life already. That could mean computers and mobile phones. If used creatively, it would be helpful. If used carelessly, it has no effect at all. This is clearly a lot is being tempted by Inter through social media such as being tempted to sexual harassment. The threat of seduction on the Internet Often end up tempted to rape interlocutor for the period of past criminal offenses. Arising from the internet are very enticing. Notice of Release Several times in the newspaper several times in the past, or enticing them to transfer money to exchange for the services you are interested. But he was lifted away money without any contact. There was also an attack in the form of forged email. Creating a fake website To trick victims or e-mail recipients to disclose financial information or other personal data. Although computer crimes There are laws to control it. But there are avenues for cyber crime and identity theft is to find ways of continuing on whether the drilling data across an ATM card hacked ATM card theft and counterfeiting, the new card account. It can be seen that whether you are part of you, it may not be safe from this type of theft. Because the Internet is without borders. Thieves have stolen the transnational boundaries easily. Today was also arrested these criminals out.