Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Education is indeed powerful. To be able to have the power to teach children the knowledge they will need in life has always been a dream of mine. Making an impact on a child and being a teacher kids will always remember, is a true reward itself. There is always a need for teachers in many districts, and I aspire to fulfill one of these spaces and spread my knowledge to the students in order to prepare them for their future.
Ever since I can remember, I’ve always loved little kids. The way their minds absorb so much information so quickly truly amazes me. When I was in elementary school, I was blessed with amazing teachers who touched my life and hold a special place in my heart. Those teachers inspired me to become an elementary school teacher just like them. My goal is to make an impact on my students and be a teacher who they will always remember. I find it most satisfying when a student of mine grasps a concept I would be teaching, this is the reward I need.
We all have a passion for something, whether it’s a sport, or hobby or anything. My passion is to teach little kids. While helping my younger sister with her homework one night, she really understood everything I was explaining to her and came back the next day with a star on her paper because she got it all correct. This is when it clicked to me that this is exactly what I want to do the rest of my life. I felt so much pride for just helping my sister with her homework, and I thought, what if you could teach all kinds of children? Wow, how much fun that would be. I knew right then and there that becoming a teacher is exactly what I wanted to be. To be able to do something I love everyday is truly the definition of a dream job. I couldn’t think of anything that fits me better. To have the minds of America’s future in my hands is just amazing to me.