While investigating the scene of a gruesome mass murder at Beacon Mental Hospital, Detective Sebastian "Seb" Castellanos, his partner Joseph Oda and "rookie" Detective Julie Kidman encounter a malevolent and powerful force. After seeing the slaughter of his fellow officers by a man wearing a white hood and covered in burn scars, Sebastian is ambushed and knocked unconscious. He awakes in a deranged world with Krimson City undergoing massive earthquakes, unreal shifts in terrain and hideous creatures called Haunted wandering the landscape.
He encounters a doctor named Marcelo Jimenez, who is searching for his patient, Leslie Withers. Once Seb and the doctor find Leslie, they encounter Ruvik, the man who slaughtered the officers in the beginning, who seems to have control over reality through teleportation and changing the terrain. He separates the trio by trapping Seb in different horrifying locales that seem to be tied to the memories of different subjects. Kidman seems to be pursuing Leslie more fiercely and appears unaffected by Ruvik's control.
Seb learns of the story of Ruvik, born Ruben Victoriano, through various flashbacks. Ruvik was an intellectually gifted but mentally unstable child, and was close to his sister, Laura. While playing in a barn on their family's property, several men approached and set fire to the building as an act of vengeance against their parents, who had been buying and managing large amounts of land in the area. Laura was killed in the fire and Ruben severely burned. His father then took to hiding the disfigured Ruben in the basement of the family manor. Deeply traumatized over Laura's death, Ruben eventually killed both of his parents, taking control of their fortune, and continued to 'donate' to Beacon Mental Hospital in exchange for test subjects for his experiments.
Ruvik continued his experiments on the human psyche and mind for a time, until Jimenez betrayed him upon the near completion of their primary project, STEM: a machine meant to unite minds into one, felt and experienced by all those linked to it. Ruvik's brain was manipulated, probed, and sampled in the same ways he had done to his prior test subjects by an unknown organization for whom Jimenez seems to be working. The Organization kidnapped many citizens of Krimson City to test the STEM device, essentially linking everyone to Ruvik's world.
When Dr. Jimenez, with the help of Seb, tries to use Leslie to return to reality (since Leslie appears to have escaped Ruvik's mind before), he realizes that they are inside Ruvik's mind, and Ruvik wants to transfer his mind to a capable host and escape into the real world. A beast created from Ruvik's subconscious then assaults them and kills Jimenez. Seb escapes after defeating the beast and reunites with his partners to head for Beacon Mental Hospital, as every Haunted (including themselves) seems to be attracted to its lighthouse. Ruvik throws another obstacle in their way and separates the trio. Julie finds Leslie first and is about to shoot him when Seb holds her at gunpoint. She mentions the threat Leslie poses through Ruvik, and implies that she knows more about STEM and the chaotic reality they are in. Joseph tries to protect Leslie from Kidman and is shot.
Leslie guides Seb back to the hospital where, at the top of the lighthouse, he sees a copy of himself in a tub hooked to Ruvik's brain. Ruvik gets hold of Leslie and absorbs him into the brain, throwing the world into even greater chaos. Seb battles the gigantic creature Ruvik's subconscious creates and defeats it, waking up in a bathtub. He pulls himself off the machine, removes Ruvik's brain from the STEM, and crushes it. He wakes up again in a tub with Kidman by his side, monitoring him; she motions for Seb to stay quiet. Seb goes back to sleep, and later wakes up in the same tub with no one around except for the other subjects in tubs, including Jimenez in a catatonic state. As police arrive, he exits the hospital and notices Leslie walking out of the main gates. Sebastian has a brief headache, a sign of Ruvik’s influence on subjects within the STEM, which causes him to lose sight of Leslie. It is implied that Ruvik has come to the real world through Leslie, and is able to influence those who were connected to his machine in reality, intending to take revenge on the Organization for betraying him.
While investigating the scene of a gruesome mass murder at Beacon Mental Hospital, Detective Sebastian "Seb" Castellanos, his partner Joseph Oda and "rookie" Detective Julie Kidman encounter a malevolent and powerful force. After seeing the slaughter of his fellow officers by a man wearing a white hood and covered in burn scars, Sebastian is ambushed and knocked unconscious. He awakes in a deranged world with Krimson City undergoing massive earthquakes, unreal shifts in terrain and hideous creatures called Haunted wandering the landscape.
He encounters a doctor named Marcelo Jimenez, who is searching for his patient, Leslie Withers. Once Seb and the doctor find Leslie, they encounter Ruvik, the man who slaughtered the officers in the beginning, who seems to have control over reality through teleportation and changing the terrain. He separates the trio by trapping Seb in different horrifying locales that seem to be tied to the memories of different subjects. Kidman seems to be pursuing Leslie more fiercely and appears unaffected by Ruvik's control.
Seb learns of the story of Ruvik, born Ruben Victoriano, through various flashbacks. Ruvik was an intellectually gifted but mentally unstable child, and was close to his sister, Laura. While playing in a barn on their family's property, several men approached and set fire to the building as an act of vengeance against their parents, who had been buying and managing large amounts of land in the area. Laura was killed in the fire and Ruben severely burned. His father then took to hiding the disfigured Ruben in the basement of the family manor. Deeply traumatized over Laura's death, Ruben eventually killed both of his parents, taking control of their fortune, and continued to 'donate' to Beacon Mental Hospital in exchange for test subjects for his experiments.
Ruvik continued his experiments on the human psyche and mind for a time, until Jimenez betrayed him upon the near completion of their primary project, STEM: a machine meant to unite minds into one, felt and experienced by all those linked to it. Ruvik's brain was manipulated, probed, and sampled in the same ways he had done to his prior test subjects by an unknown organization for whom Jimenez seems to be working. The Organization kidnapped many citizens of Krimson City to test the STEM device, essentially linking everyone to Ruvik's world.
When Dr. Jimenez, with the help of Seb, tries to use Leslie to return to reality (since Leslie appears to have escaped Ruvik's mind before), he realizes that they are inside Ruvik's mind, and Ruvik wants to transfer his mind to a capable host and escape into the real world. A beast created from Ruvik's subconscious then assaults them and kills Jimenez. Seb escapes after defeating the beast and reunites with his partners to head for Beacon Mental Hospital, as every Haunted (including themselves) seems to be attracted to its lighthouse. Ruvik throws another obstacle in their way and separates the trio. Julie finds Leslie first and is about to shoot him when Seb holds her at gunpoint. She mentions the threat Leslie poses through Ruvik, and implies that she knows more about STEM and the chaotic reality they are in. Joseph tries to protect Leslie from Kidman and is shot.
Leslie guides Seb back to the hospital where, at the top of the lighthouse, he sees a copy of himself in a tub hooked to Ruvik's brain. Ruvik gets hold of Leslie and absorbs him into the brain, throwing the world into even greater chaos. Seb battles the gigantic creature Ruvik's subconscious creates and defeats it, waking up in a bathtub. He pulls himself off the machine, removes Ruvik's brain from the STEM, and crushes it. He wakes up again in a tub with Kidman by his side, monitoring him; she motions for Seb to stay quiet. Seb goes back to sleep, and later wakes up in the same tub with no one around except for the other subjects in tubs, including Jimenez in a catatonic state. As police arrive, he exits the hospital and notices Leslie walking out of the main gates. Sebastian has a brief headache, a sign of Ruvik’s influence on subjects within the STEM, which causes him to lose sight of Leslie. It is implied that Ruvik has come to the real world through Leslie, and is able to influence those who were connected to his machine in reality, intending to take revenge on the Organization for betraying him.
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