Context Detection
Context detection is a two-fold mechanism, we need to tackle this from two sides, one is from the server side,
and the other is from the client side. From the server side, we have implemented a Web service portal featuring a
recording capability as shown in Figure 2. Whenever learners log in to the portal, our portal will take the request
and analyze what kind of device the learner is using to build the device profile, as well as detect what kind of
network channel the learner is connecting to the Web to build the environment profile. Whether the learner is in
a meeting, driving or a normal situation remains unknown at this stage; we need to defer this to context
extraction by analyzing the learners’ calendar, social and location profiles. Besides detecting the request, our
portal also records and keeps a service request history associated with every learner who registers in this portal.
Based on the history, we can conduct analysis about the requesting behaviour and requesting pattern which are
important references for building learners’ preferences.