In the present studies, an attempt has been made to develop a method of liquid
nitrogen preservation of plant explants propagated in vitro in the laboratory of the
Department of Ornamental Plants, of Agricultural University in Kraków: shoot
apical and axillary meristems of Rosa ‘New Dawn’, somatic embryos of snowdrops
Galanthus nivalis L. and G. elwesii Hook, and gametophyte of Phlebodium aureum
(L.) J. Sm. (golden polypody). After encapsulation of plant material, it was
dehydrated by quick method (capsules were placed in liquid media containing 0.75
M sucrose for 18 h) or by gradual method (capsules were transferred to liquid
solutions of media with increasing sucrose concentrations from 0.3 M to 1 M for
consecutive 7 days). Moreover, some explants for cryopreservation were treated
with the medium containing elevated sucrose level (0.25 M) for 8 weeks.