There are over 10,000 known languages spoken in the world. Some are ..... and some are very advanced. The English language is both. An example would be the sentence, "I see red". This can..... you see the color red. It also means you are very angry. To ask someone to learn English is more than asking then to again a.... of a ..... It is asking them to become familiar with our...., expressions, and ways of life. For instance to say to someone you could eat a horse may make them wonder what type of diet you have. They do not.... ou are stating you are extemely hungry. Comprehending the English language can get very complicated when ou stop and realize the even one.... can have several different.... Use the worldrock for the example.Yet another confusing thing is sentence.... You can be bored stiff or stiff a board. Writing this can show the difference. However the.... language does not allow the.... to see how a word is writttn. When you think about how someone could become confused when hearing these two phrases, you can understand the problems which come with.... English