Recently Toyosaki et al. (6) isolated a high celluloseproducing
strain, A. xylinum subsp. sucrofermentans
BPR2001, from agitated cultures. Following this, they
attempted to improve of this strain (7). Otherwise, there
have been few reports on microbial cellulose production
* Corresponding author.
with agitated culture systems (3, 8).
We have isolated a relatively stable cellulose-producing
strain from natural resources. This strain was identified
as A. xylinum BRCS. In this report, the effects of carbon
and nitrogen sources on the growth of, and cellulose
production by, strain BRCS in shaken and agitated cultures
have been studied. In addition, the characteristics
of carbon utilization of strain BRCS were analyzed.
Recently Toyosaki et al. (6) isolated a high celluloseproducingstrain, A. xylinum subsp. sucrofermentansBPR2001, from agitated cultures. Following this, theyattempted to improve of this strain (7). Otherwise, therehave been few reports on microbial cellulose production* Corresponding author.with agitated culture systems (3, 8).We have isolated a relatively stable cellulose-producingstrain from natural resources. This strain was identifiedas A. xylinum BRCS. In this report, the effects of carbonand nitrogen sources on the growth of, and celluloseproduction by, strain BRCS in shaken and agitated cultureshave been studied. In addition, the characteristicsof carbon utilization of strain BRCS were analyzed.
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