The logical mind brings only half of the picture, so you will never understand the true nature of yourselves or your world if you do not put that partial picture together with the other pieces that exist within your emotional content. It is important to recognise that the logic of the mind will bring you conclusions, whereas the logic of the emotions will bring you Cognition.
IQ versus EQ question has come to existence when Dan Goleman popularised emotional intelligence. Many psychologists will say that IQ by itself is useless unless a person has an equal EQ that allows them to interface with each other. EQ is emotional intelligence quotient and represents the idea of how well a person can perceive emotions, use emotions, understand emotions, and manage emotions in self and others. EQ is what adds a depth and understanding to the relationships. There is no fixed correlation between IQ and EQ (you can have it equal but it is possible to have a high EQ and low IQ and vice versa).
While IQ can be the central controller, EQ can be imagined as an engineer who knows how to fix these cables when a cord breaks here or there. It adds to the flexibility and speed of recovery from attacks by outside force. This is why you have kind people who are more accepting and forgiving of their partners and have long lasting relationships. When you have 2 people with very high levels of EQ, they can prove to be more stable than others. Not only can they connect, but they understand how to better ensure that they are connected.
Cognitive faculties like knowledge, intellect and understanding are fundamental for decision making and 80% of people depend on these for day to day life decisions. The higher you go on education, more the dependence on cognitive decisions. There comes some point where your decisions start going wrong because pure cognition is not what the life is about. The life is more holistic and cognitive faculties are wrapped around by emotional faculties which go to the core of human mind. The emotional faculties like mindfulness, reflection, self-control, responsiveness, empathy and understanding needs of others etc form the emotional faculties which matter a lot for success in life.
EQ-IQ interface is thus most powerful area of influencing the performance. It inter-relates the cognitive and emotional faculties and competencies for optimising the decision making process and operational performance of a person. It relates to The Law of Attraction, as it is referred to, which has become very popular lately as "The Secret," points out very clearly how "attraction" draws toward us events and circumstances which match the essence of our "feelings" or emotion level, which is another way of saying our "emotional frequency" level.
Our emotions are our life's power and vitality, the "carrier wave" upon which our projected thoughts are sent to create or modify our reality. The more potent our "carrier wave" is, the more quickly and effectively it will affect and transform our reality. - The happier we are the more "attractive" power we have.
Emotional intelligence is considered to play a crucial role in the modern business life. Its principles help in evaluating and influencing business person’s behaviour, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills and potentials and is considered to have great relevance in areas like job profiling, planning, recruitment and selection.Successful business people or managers don’t waste time and energy worrying about being better than someone else, they focus on being the very best version of themselves. Another major advantage of emotional intelligence is that it empowers people and get over the fear and difficulties that they face and which restricts them from moving forward and asking for right kind of help. It also helps in understanding one’s own behaviour as well as relationship with others. Psychological studies have shown that understanding and controlling emotions play significant role in gratifying one’s life and work environment. In a group setting business people with higher EI will be able to influence the emotions of others in such a manner that, they will be able to boost their own as well as their employee’s morale. They understand and believe in motivation and creation. They firmly believe in creating their own destiny, they know that If they don’t, someone else will decide their future and destiny. They stay open to feelings, blend emotions with thinking, reflectively monitor emotions and use these to carve the path of success rather than a cause of discord. They generate new ideas, think in new ways, be creative, enhance“big-picture” thinking and have enhanced decision-making abilities. Life is not about learning how to weather the storm, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.
People with high EI competencies tend to be more successful professionally and more able to make positive changes at work as they have the ability to process emotional information creatively, particularly as it involves the perception, assimilation, understanding, and management of emotion. They know that the gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. Skilful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.