The economic climate and the environmental awareness are
forcing companies to reconsider the organization of their
supply chain, with the aim of favour transportation modes
environmentally friendly and insure better coordination of
flows to reduce environmental impacts and reduce traffic
congestion. In our new approach for multiobjective
multimodal ant colony optimization, we have presented a
model for route choice in an intermodal network.
The goal of this optimization is to promote more
environmentally friendly transport mode and to propose an
alternative for building logistic system fulfilling sustainable
development requirements. The multiobjective shortest path
model presented here help in choosing a ‘shortest path’ in an
intermodal network; ‘shortest’ here means a path with less
environmental, societal and economic impacts. We then
provided a real decision support system for policy makers or
decision makers who want to reduce their environmental
impact when choosing trip choosing or for trip selection.
Some of the solutions obtained can bring a gain up to by 237
tone of CO2 comparing the non-dominated solutions with
some dominated solutions. This contribution highlights the
fact that a wise choice of transport mode and path contributes
to the construction of a sustainable intermodal transportation
system. The choice of path is therefore a means of reducing
emissions from freight transport.
For future works, we will integrate in our study, time
windows for departure time and arrival time choosing in
order to avoid delays and for congestion avoidance.
Transportation mode practicality, which is the ability of a
transportation mode to be practical for the conveyance of Q
(tons) or V (m3) of goods over a distance within a time limit
set , must be include as a condition for the choice of
transport mode. The number of cities must also be increased
in order to find more efficient solutions. It would also be
interesting to include the availability of the transportation
mode when doing transhipment.