In Bangladesh, indigenous commercial energy such as natural gas oil, and coal are the main contributing sources in primary energy consumption. The primary energy consumption was raised to 26.7 Mtoe in 2013 that is almost double from 14.8 Mtoe in 2002 11]. 2.l However, the country has very limited amount of these energy sources. She had only 1063 million tons of recoverable coal reserve of 2013 [1.15]. Furthermore, the country has to import about 1.2 million 41 tons crude oil and 2.6 million tons refined petroleum products each ha year to meet its liquid fuel demand l16]. In the year 2013, Bangladesh Kh consumed almost 21.9 billion cubic meters of natural gas, 5.7 million we tons of oil, and 1.0 Mtoe of coal. The petroleum reserve in the country an is only 8% of the total demand. On the other hand, only 6% of the total la population has the facility of natural gas connection. Electricity hi demand in Bangladesh has increased dramatically, and the production p entirely depends on fossil fuel. Furthermore, the electricity generation t contributes almost 40% of the total CO2 emissions in the country [17]. a The maximum electricity generation in the country has increased to 7418 MW against a demand of 9268 MW in 2014. This huge gap 2 between the total generation and demand effectively hinders the economic and technological development of the country. From now on, the government of Bangladesh (GoB) has already taken initiatives to develop and promote renewable energy sources to mitigate energy crisis and environmental impacts. rall Bangladesh has a plentiful supply of renewable energy res- any ources that could be the effective way to meet the increasing energy as- demand. Among the available renewable resources, biomass is con- op- sidered as the major one for a supplement of fossil fuels that can be nil- used not only for rural cooking purpose but also in producing was electricity. The geographical location of the country ensures the for maximum utilization of solar energy. Thus, solar photovoltaic (PV) is becoming a popular technology mainly in off-grid rural, hill tracks, and y coastal area in Bangladesh. Although the wind and hydropower are ee- not much widespread, some government and non-government orga- he nizations (NGO) have taken several initiatives for producing electricity gy from micro-hydro and small wind turbine. Therefore, renewable Al. energy utilization in Bangladesh can play a crucial role to attain energy security. All the data were collected from thesis, journal articles, conference c- proceedings, web materials, reports, books, handbooks on energy and al direct interview of personnel of various organizations implementing renewable programs. The paper is arranged as follows: Section 2 d discusses the geographical location and other related information of e Bangladesh. Section 3 presents the current energy scenario and policy l of Bangladesh. Following this, the potential of available and probable renewable energy resources in Bangladesh has been discussed in Sections 4 and 5. Finally, the achievement and future target in the renewable energy sectors have been mentioned in Section 6