However, this experience of coaching I have contact with people of many nationality who stay in hotels. It makes me to know a strange about the culture of countries. And I never knew before, especially India to the culture opposed to our country. Because our country if told “Yes” we will be staggering if told “No” we will shake one’s head. But the staggering of Chinese tourists. Look and see that it has a nasty habit of since. Talking epithets shouting loudly unfocussed overtake the queue and squeeze scramble across the road as you do not see the light. The excretion especially hard to clean. This does not count as a courtesy to reward those who serve in various locations, including the tip, which, when viewed as a whole. These are issues of social etiquette. Though not a moral and ethical problem can be solved, but it takes quite a long time of the ongoing campaign for Indian culture compared to our country. Because our country if to say "yes" we will call if to say "no", I will shake my head of a man, but the lines of the Indian people, it means "yes," but if the nod, it means "no" and sound. Interference in the examination of Japanese noodles. Japanese noodles in a bowl, sip loudly every time. Typically, courtesy of not doing it. If we have to live or to travel abroad, we must understand the culture of that country. And follow them correctly.