learners are able to transfer concepts taught in settings that are similar to real-world contexts into future settings and
situations as learners think that language learning is related to their everyday lives. Results showed that 68.9%
learned to use formal and informal language in the appropriate context of discourse (B7) during their social
interactions with group members and interviewees.
In carrying out this project work, respondents were asked to conduct interview with employers to gain
information regarding problems at workplace. In item B8, respondents were asked whether they learned how to
conduct an interview. 50% of the respondents agreed that project-based learning enabled them to learn ways of
conducting an interview and surprisingly, the other half of the respondents were unsure (B8). This may be due to
students’ lack of confidence, low proficiency, high anxiety, intimidation and shyness in speaking. In addition, they
may lack the appropriate social skills in conducting effective interviews. This result corresponds with Bell (2000)
who states that a project-based course demands from students a heightened level of self-confidence, motivation, and
ability to organize their own work plans.