Behaviour The number of vocalizations during the first 3 days following weaning was affected by the castration ( P < 0.01) and weaning group ( P < 0.001), its interaction ( P < 0.01) as well as the interaction between castration and day ( P < 0.001) (Table 2). Onday1 after weaning, the number was higher in the CAS-WEA and BUL-WEA groups than in the CON groups that were weaned in week 4. From days 1 to 3, the vocalizations decreased steadily in all groups and nearly reached zero after this period. Only day affected time spent feeding ( P < 0.05). Feeding duration decreased from days 1 to 2 and increased again towards day 3 in all groups. The proportion of animals standing/walking was lower on days 1 and 2 in the WEA groups compared with the CON groups. On day 3, the calves of all groups spent about 30% of their time standing/walking. Weaning affected lying duration, too ( P