Highest levels of focus
-- Have some mental fog and a low level of focus? Beta brainwaves maybe the ticket to changing that around! People with ADD and ADHD are commonly prescribed stimulants, which cause beta brainwave activity in their brains to increase. Hence, an increasedability to focus, get things done, and all the other things associated with beta waves.
More energy
-- Do you lack energy? Are you always tired and wish you had more energy? Well,beta brainwaves could definitely help you out! People low in beta brainwaves feel tired and reportless overall energy throughout the day. To get out of a sleepy state and lift some mental fog,consider increasing your beta waves!
Positive thoughts
-- I've definitely noticed that I feel less depressed and constantly am able togenerate positive thoughts while in a high-beta mental state. Positive thinking and an increase inbeta waves makes perfect sense because the left-hemisphere is associated with positivethoughts.
Write easily and quickly
-- When beta brainwave levels are high, one's ability to write increases.Beta activity occurs in the left hemisphere which is highly activated while writing. I can personally testify for this one: my ability to write is definitely enhanced when I am able to get into a state of beta.
Increase in I.Q.
-- Studies have been done and show that people higher in the beta brainwaverange actually have higher I.Q.'s than the average population. It makes perfect sense, since activities like reading and solving math problems can definitely help build a smart brain.
For best results please wear headphones
The binaural beat provided is not meant to replace or substitute the recommendations or advice of your physician or health care provider. This video should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If you believe you have a medical condition or problem contact your health care provider.