Female NEA haddock (>34 cm) were collected using research
vessels in February to March, i.e. close to the expected onset of
spawning, in three consecutive annual spawning seasons from
2009 to 2011 (Fig. 2, Table 1). Aboard the vessels all females were
measured for total length, 1 cm below, i.e. a female of 40.5 cm will
be given the length 40 cm, and whole body, liver and gonad weight
(OW, 1 g below). A subsample of the gonad was also stored in
neutral buffered formaldehyde (3.6%) for later laboratory analyses
of oocyte sizes, fecundity and histology. Finally, otoliths were
collected for ageing. Further information of the annual sampling
periods, samples obtained and specific analyses performed is given
in Table 1.
Female NEA haddock (>34 cm) were collected using researchvessels in February to March, i.e. close to the expected onset ofspawning, in three consecutive annual spawning seasons from2009 to 2011 (Fig. 2, Table 1). Aboard the vessels all females weremeasured for total length, 1 cm below, i.e. a female of 40.5 cm willbe given the length 40 cm, and whole body, liver and gonad weight(OW, 1 g below). A subsample of the gonad was also stored inneutral buffered formaldehyde (3.6%) for later laboratory analysesof oocyte sizes, fecundity and histology. Finally, otoliths werecollected for ageing. Further information of the annual samplingperiods, samples obtained and specific analyses performed is givenin Table 1.
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