Current UK guidelines published by the
British Thoracic Society and the Scottish
Intercollegiate Guideline Network categorise
exacerbations of asthma as moderate,
severe and life threatening, based on the
features with which patients present (BTS
and SIGN, 2012) (Table 1).
As discussed above, taking a detailed history
is essential. Box 1 lists the main questions
to ask during an exacerbation.
BTS and SIGN (2012) guidelines advise
checking the following parameters, once
an adequate history has been taken:
» Respiratory rate;
» Pulse rate;
» Peak expiratory flow (PEF);
» Pulse oximetry;
» Any treatment the patient may have
self-administered before presenting.
After this initial assessment, it is possible
to categorise the patient based on the
criteria in Table 1 and decide on the management
plan. Patients with even one feature
of life-threatening asthma will need to
be admitted to hospital. Those with modspl
erate asthma exacerbation (especially if the
Current UK guidelines published by theBritish Thoracic Society and the ScottishIntercollegiate Guideline Network categoriseexacerbations of asthma as moderate,severe and life threatening, based on thefeatures with which patients present (BTSand SIGN, 2012) (Table 1).AssessmentAs discussed above, taking a detailed historyis essential. Box 1 lists the main questionsto ask during an exacerbation.BTS and SIGN (2012) guidelines advisechecking the following parameters, oncean adequate history has been taken:» Respiratory rate;» Pulse rate;» Peak expiratory flow (PEF);» Pulse oximetry;» Any treatment the patient may haveself-administered before presenting.After this initial assessment, it is possibleto categorise the patient based on thecriteria in Table 1 and decide on the managementplan. Patients with even one featureof life-threatening asthma will need tobe admitted to hospital. Those with modsplerate asthma exacerbation (especially if the
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