During the latter period, three species were numerically relevant. Bosmina huaroensis was dominant in October
and November 2007 and August 2008. After registering the highest densities in October and November
(706,692 and 134,302 ind/m³, respectively), this species disappeared during the following two months (December
2007 and January 2008) and re-appeared in February 2008 in dramatically lower densities (108 ind/m³).
Bosmina freyi was present all along this study and dominated the community in February and April 2008.
Bosmina young individuals were registered the whole studied period and were dominant in December 2007,
June and July 2008. Male individuals were observed in October and November 2007 and in June, July, August
and September 2008. High density of male organisms occurred in the first month of this study (32,664 ind/m³).
Diaphanosoma birgei was the third more relevant species of Cladocera and was absent in December 2007 and
January 2008. Nevertheless, it was the dominant Cladocera species in May and September 2008 (dry season).
Moina minuta was dominant over other Cladocera species in January 2008, reaching 631 ind/m³.