4.3. Limitations and future work
A first limitation of this study is that the results are empirically derived. Indeed, cluster-wise regression analysis is foremost an exploratory technique in which the different regression functions (and hence the cluster memberships) are inferred from the data. However, we have shown that the findings are stable by replicating the individual differences structure in three separate studies. Moreover, the results are logically sound, support previous research on work values, and the individual differences relate to other important work-related variables. As such, confidence can be placed on the stability and reliability of the findings. Second, this study shows that individual differences are an empirical reality. Therefore, such differences should be taken into account when attempting to capture the mechanisms underlying the job rewards satisfaction–job satisfaction relationship. However, this study is only a first initiative in this direction and explores new foundations for extending our knowledge and theory. Therefore, further research is needed to fully grasp the mechanisms underlying these individual differences. Specifically, it would be interesting to study the impact of organizational-level variables on the individual differences structure. For example, does the organizational culture relate to differences in the reward satisfaction–job satisfaction relationship? Or, at a more micro-level, do the individual differences relate to specific job characteristics such as the level of autonomy in the job? Finally, it would be interesting to study alternative antecedents at the level of the individual as well. For example, does the observed