Introduce myself. My name is Saowalak Bunjanthee. My nickname is Toei. I am 1 years old. I study finished from Porn cha roen wittaya school. Now I am studying at Muban chom bueng sajabhat university. I am majoring in English Education. I am come from Bungkan province. My family live in a small village. Bungkan is a small city in the northeastern part of Thailand or Isaan. It is about 751 Kilometer from Bangkok. The family consists of father, mother and children, and the family will make us consider the father, mother, brother, sister, the family is a word that can make us happy. Courage and success in every aspect, such as in the work. When we do something, if we think of a warm family. Think of when the family was the most happy We have the will to fight without the peach.
They are 7 people in my family , my mother , my father , grand mother , grand father , one brother , one sister and my self. My brother is younger than me. He name is Note. He is 13 years old. He goes to porn cha roen wittaya school . He is kide and help parents housework. My younger sister is younger than me too , she name is Baitong. She is 6 years old and she goes to Bankokniyom school. I like to teas her but I think she don’t like it. My parents are both farmer in local farm. I am very proud of them because they are good people for me. I still remember the era when I Elementary school, the range is what I will teach my mother very positively to many of us as children, they want to learn. Every example. I follow my mother's father, but the fear is more than generous with me. The duties of the family, I'm going to have to sweep the House, rubbing the House. Dish washing water bed store The training clothes, ironing room, and my mother taught me to cook. Because of my mother's cooking and delicious. As a child, I secretly thought up? "why do we have to do what I would like to play up to your friends." I've asked. My mother answered the same! "to have a boyfriend to take care of the fans. Cooking, he eats to help take care of it. "I feel good because I was secretly envious of. A friend to play together a fun but I have to work with a home made food, but enough to hear what my mother answered. I feel warm and good luck as much as your child is born, because I care, the more I feel it makes me a person whose home where my mother's friends, the friends will love me because I can take care of their friends. What to eat? They help keep order, swept the House reminded it is very happy. Thanks to my mother is really enormous. And my family lived the sufficiency economy The term localism, it means saving The savings The use of a recognized value and localism, they can do so every home each household is important, we should use whichever vegetables to eat, and it is sold for revenue into the household. Alternatively, or fish to eat or to sell it to the fish in the backpack nation Alternatively we can Affairs. do not rely on the money, and we know we should be spending our money carefully and know the value of every home in every kitchen, if located in a boat through the sufficiency economy we don't want money. Localism is done every occupation, whether it is the rich man never follow localism of the King. Every profession and every person, no matter how rich or until the ceremony.
From an event that occurred to family members, it is something that reflects that it is happy that the need to take care of his father and mother, because my father and mother, this is the person that will make love, warmth and family members have made nice, everyone in the family happy and to keep the family happy, the street itself, the cracker, in obedience to the commands of their parents in the sermon because he is the person to teach us to be better people and keep saying that it's good or not ? Well, he will warn, and always insist on and. We constantly keep encouraging us when guard peach and important to families, we are happy to have to start from the family before that we have love and care will make your family we have a warm and happy? if we have this stuff, it can be considered as a warm and happy family, but if we are missing any one, it is considered not to be a happy family.