Shierdu Sky Demon Killing Formation is terrifying big of Ancient time, here is to strengthen the version, but also is the enhancement version of strategy, but the might looked like in Qing Shui with Shierdu Sky Demon Killing Formation of Ancient time misses much.
This such as Ancient Shierdu Sky Demon Killing Formation is an adult male, but the strategy in this palace changes into Shierdu Sky Demon Killing Formation is the baby version, has been similar each family, this type of baby version strengthened , can only be a strong child, has not the small disparity with the genuine adult male.
Once this strategy astrays will be involved in the middle of infinite strangling to death, might very terrifying, the mystery of strategy is mainland most mysterious one, a formidable master can easily destroys a city, they can under Killing Formation to this city cloth, once starts, the entire city will be destroyed.
This strategy looks like in Qing Shui is actually Shierdu Sky Demon Killing Formation.
Qing Shui starts to attempt to break through the enemy lines, ruins an eye, this intermediate must enter the strategy, although in strategy danger, but the strategy is impossible not to achieve slightly the flaw, the person who is skilled in the strategy can come and go out the freedom in the strategy, not having the strategy of flaw to be by theory invalid, because such words master is unable to start.
The person who because starts the strategy must in the strategy!
Qing Shui must go is actually drawn by Shen Huang: „Danger!”
„You are being worried about me, cares about me.” Qing Shui looks at the entire goddess same woman with a smile.
„Beautiful stench, careful!” Shen Huang loosens him.
Qing Shui effort slightly shook her hand directly to enter.
Meets the entire main hall just likes watermark fluctuation is the same, continued to meet the time, the entire main hall has revealed the true self, all around wall cella anything has demonstrated that Qing Shui in pillar where of distant place, that pillar broke, wore in the innumerable pillars to have one is an eye.
Only if here strategy breaks an eye, will otherwise be strangled to death by the strategy, even if enters in also to walk unfamiliar road, every step faces dozens to plant hundred choices, about around in all directions, or praised a step two steps even dozens steps distance forward, will almost be strangled to death, this was the formidable strategy, in inside difficult
Shen Huang arrives at side Qing Shui to point at around the distant place wall saying: „This is a Demon King palace, should be very for a long time very long beforehand Demon King palace.”
Qing Shui nods to look to these portraits on wall, a here every other big section distance will have a portrait, above writes the name.
The dark night Demon King chart jade, starting cultivation technique can make the whole body in hundred li (0.5km) turn into the dark night, this is the absolute dark night, black fog general existence, even if the night vision is also useless, can make the match lose 50% battle efficiencies in this dark night, but the dark night Demon King ability promotes one time.
Qing Shui looked at this secretly to shock, this dark night Demon King was formidable, not only so, Qing Shui saw that under also had, was these black fog common things is poisonous, although was not violently poisonous, but this chronic poisonous terrifying, the time grew very much reduced the response, produced psychedelic.
The great Demon King Biao Nanning, great Demon King can change the body becomes also wants big Demon King compared with the mountain, the body like Diamond , the strength is greatly infinite, the general attack breaks the defense of opposite party, caused the damage also such as the human gently to be gripped by the embroidery needle, because his form was very big, the toughness was very strong, the sword linked his Diamond same muscle to grip airtight, after all the personal appearance was too big, even if the sword will grip the opposite party not to feel the pain completely.