My main love is studying Scriptures ^_^....... But my hobbies involve playing tennis, Wii, Piano <--- "not as much as i should", Going to the movies, having in depth convos with friends for hours about whats going on in the world, going for walks in the Park at night when its a starry night ^_^... And going gym...
Ok i had an account so long ago and lost ALL my best friends on this U_U, i miss them so much... I'm hoping to find all new amazing friends again because i LOVE talking to new people i think its so amazing!!! ^-^
Favorite Music
Love Classical music^^ Chopin also Jazz, chill out, Yiruma, Epic music, 80s 90s 70s....... Also i think that the modern composers of today are amazing I.E Hanz Zimmer, James Netwob Howard, Tomas Newman ect
Favorite Movies
Braveheart, Troy, Gladiator, Centurion, kingdom of heaven, LORT, Elizabeth I, Elizabeth The Golden Age, The Pianist, Schindler's List, Starwars movies, Bourne movies, Ahhh there is too many that i like its madness i am a HUGE movie
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