The mean degree of dominance (H1/D)1/2
was more than unity for all the characters
studied which indicated presence of over
dominance for expression of these characters.
The ratio of H2/4H1, which was less than 0.25 in
all the characters, indicated asymmetrical
distribution of positive and negative genes in the
parents. The value of KD/KR was higher than
the unity for all the characters except days to
50% tasseling, baby corn length, baby corn
weight and reducing sugars indicating presence
of greater proportion of dominant gene in the
expression of these traits. Whereas, for days to
tasseling, baby corn length, baby corn weight
and reducing sugars KD/KR value recorded less
than unity, indicating presence of greater
proportion of recessive genes.
The mean degree of dominance (H1/D)1/2was more than unity for all the charactersstudied which indicated presence of overdominance for expression of these characters.The ratio of H2/4H1, which was less than 0.25 inall the characters, indicated asymmetricaldistribution of positive and negative genes in theparents. The value of KD/KR was higher thanthe unity for all the characters except days to50% tasseling, baby corn length, baby cornweight and reducing sugars indicating presenceof greater proportion of dominant gene in theexpression of these traits. Whereas, for days totasseling, baby corn length, baby corn weightand reducing sugars KD/KR value recorded lessthan unity, indicating presence of greaterproportion of recessive genes.
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