Basing its arguments in current perspectives on the nature of the scientific
enterprise, which see argument and argumentative practice as a core activity of scientists,
this article develops the case for the inclusion and central role of argument in science
education. Beginning with a review of the nature of argument, it discusses the function
and purpose of dialogic argument in the social construction of scientific knowledge and
the interpretation of empirical data. The case is then advanced that any education about
science, rather than education in science, must give the role of argument a high priority if
it is to give a fair account of the social practice of science, and develop a knowledge and
understanding of the evaluative criteria used to establish scientific theories. Such knowledge
is essential to enhance the public understanding of science and improve scientific
literacy. The existing literature, and work that has attempted to use argument within science
education, is reviewed to show that classroom practice does provide the opportunity to
develop young people’s ability to construct argument. Furthermore, the case is advanced
that the lack of opportunities for the practice of argument within science classrooms, and
lack of teacher’s pedagogical skills in organizing argumentative discourse within the classroom
are significant impediments to progress in the field.