Project of making jam from Ma Noy leaves has objective to 1) Compare how to make jam from Ma Noy leaves and Gelatin powder 2) Study of quality of Ma Noy leaves and Gelatin powder that appropriate to make quality jams.
From the experiment ,the result of comparision time to be a jam experiment from same quantity of Ma noy leaves and gelatin powder (50 g. ) was found that strawberry jam from Ma Noy leaves spend the less time to be strawberry jam than strawberry jam from Gelatin powder .And the result of viscosity comparision experiment by measure the distance of the mobile strawberry jam from different quality of Ma Noy leaves and Gelatin powder was found the strawberry jams 4 gram of gelatin and strawberry jam from 100 gram of Ma Noy leaves has close distance. That mean it has close quality and appopiate to make jam.