Things come in two on the Isle of man.
The small island sits between two EU countries-Ireland and the United Kingdom.
It has two languages.
Everyone speaks English but there is also the indigenous language of Manx,spoken by two per cent of the population.
Its politics and laws are influenced by the goverment of Great Britain but it also has its own Parliament called Tynwald which makes decision on domestic policy.In fact,it's the oldest parlaiment in the world and was started by Viking settlers over one thousand years ago.
The Isle's relationship with the EU is equally split.
It isn't an EU member,so money and services can't move freely,but the people can.
Not surprisingly,debates about the island's status within the UK and the EU are commo at Tynwald.
One of the most recent parliamentary debates was to decide if they needed a permanent office in Brussels so that it can represent itself in Europe.
Once again, the views of the politicians and there are divided.