Because it won't decriminalize drugs, the U.S. government allows drug dealers to make billions of dollars annually. The government continues to pursue and arrest millions of marijuana and cocaine users every year. The government says that marijuana and cocaine are so dangerous and addictive that they must remain illegal. However, it has long legalized alcohol and tobacco, two products which kill hundreds of thousands of Americans annually. Meanwhile, because millions of Americans continue to use marijuana and cocaine daily, their purchases are making drug dealers filthy rich.
How rich are they? Local police recently stumbled upon two privately owned submarines, containing 500 pounds of cocaine, in a harbor in Colombia. Colombia supplies 90 percent of America's cocaine. The submarines can carry five tons of drugs to Mexico, where the cargo travels by truck into the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officials believe that the Colombian drug lords possess about 20 of these 55-foot subs. However, they are confident they will find all of them.