Cheesbrough (2000). Identification was thereafter made
with reference to Bergey‟s manual of systemic
bacteriology (1984).
Statistical analysis
Data generated from the study were subjected to analysis
of variance (ANOVA).
The statistical test of significance of the effect of
herbicide treatments on soil pH showed that the
differences obtained (Table 1) as a result of the
treatments are not significant since the computed F value
(1.4ns) is lower than the tabular F value (3.06) at 5%
level of significance. However, the coefficient of variation
showed a 91.65% chance in the results from the
experiment occurring as a result of treatments (indicates
that, soil pH was affected by the treatments). Considering
the effect on percentage moisture content, at 10 cm
depth, the statistical result showed; computed F value,
0.19 < tabular F value, 3.06, at 5% level of significance.
At 20 cm depth, the result showed; computed F value,
0.16 < tabular F value, 3.06, at 5% level of significance.
Therefore, herbicide treatments at both depths had no
significant effect on percentage moisture content of the