The university top management stats also to understand the importance of online presence for higher
education institutions. The higher education became the focus of intense policy around the world as it is
considered as the main, leading factor of social and economic progress. The universities have recently started
adapting to a global market and online marketing is becoming a new and effective tool for higher education.
Higher competition and changing social environment are two important aspects that forced higher education
institutions both public and private, to become more proactive and more market-oriented (Alexa E. L., Alexa M.
& Stoica C. M., 2012). From the other hand most students can find everything online: not just what a university
claims to be, but what it really is. The students can contact each other and they are becoming more active in
finding information. The universities should be closer to their target audience by using new media channels such
as Social Media and other Web 2.0 technologies.