Figure 3(a) is an image of the anomaly in cross section, and an XRF elemental dot map (Fig. 3(b)) was created of
the indicated region. From the elemental dot map, we can see both the iron (red) and the iodine (blue) within the
heart of the anomalous tissue, and that the two elements are not co-localized. Rather, the iodine is overlaying the
iron in the elemental map. The two are in direct contact. According to the customer, the anomaly does not appear
until the hotdog is cooked, so heat seems to be a component of the reaction that forms the red and green anomaly.
Since we could find no metals flecks in the anomaly, only the “pink” colored soft tissue at its core (Fig. 3(a)), the
presence of iron was a surprise, and it became necessary to trace down the source before our customer could be