(F/N)'s eyes jolt, he looks around and falls, the bucket in the air and landing on his head, the water all over him.
He seethes.
(F/N) gets up and walks to the front of the ship.
Obi-Wan turns around as he heard the door open.
"Zero? What are you doing here and why is there a bucket on your head?" Anakin turns around.
(F/N) pulls a Lightsaber out and activates it.
"Oh, I forgot, he was cleaning the ship."
"You said you weren't going to fly it. Why are we sideways?"
"We landed on one of the emergency airlocks."
"Because it turns out Senator Amidala got out of hyperspace and was locked in their tractor beam."
(F/N) deactivates it, "Alright(Removes bucket), let's go."
They enter through the emergency airlock, destroying two droids, they then get a transmission call from Ahsoka, then to Padme, they go to meet her at the center of the ship, (F/N)'s eyes grow wide.