HiA stands for the alternative hypothesis and + stands for a positive
relationship. The fivehypotheses (from H1A to H5A ) have been postulated
to be directional and positive innature.
The results of Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation that was used
to test the nullhypotheses for the five hypotheses (from H1A to H5A) are
shown in table 3. As a 95percent confident level is desired, the level of
significance (μ) is .05. One-tailed test wasused because all the five
hypotheses were vicariate that were concerned with a positiverelationship
(HA> 0). As can be seen, the correlation coefficients of
competency,education, experience, and hierarchical level of human resource
manager were significantat p < .01 and therefore the null hypotheses
pertaining to these four variables wererejected. This means that the
hypothesized relationship (positive) between each of thefour human resource
manager-related variables and the practice of SHRM was supportedby the
data. When the variable of age is concerned, the relevant correlation
coefficient(.130) was not significant at 0.05 level. Hence, there is no
statistical evidence tosubstantiate the hypothesis that age of human resource
manager of the firm has a positiverelationship with practice of SHRM