The PCR does not appropriately cover this section, as the key issues pertaining to
sustainability have not been dealt with. By reading the PCR, it seems that the
sustainability of project's main achievements (mainly related to the infrastructure
sector) is hindered by an insufficient emphasis on the operation and maintenance
(O&M). There is a limited community participation in maintenance of roads; as far as
the rural water supply, the Local Technical Committees (LTCs) are not fully functional
with villagers tending to wait until a need arises to organize any maintenance. The long
term sustainability of the Most Vulnerable Families (MVFs) is also at risk, as the period
of project assistance to the MVFs has been too short to enable them to become
sustainable organisations. The local authorities, particularly the Commune Councils,
expressed their commitment in maintaining the MVFs. However, in order to become
sustainable, the MVFs would need further support in terms of training, supervision,
monitoring, and auditing. The sustainability of the project financed irrigation schemes
(included the support of the Farmer Users Water Community) is equally doubtful, due
to major maintenance and management issues. Finally, no exit strategy has been in
place for supporting the MVFs or the FWUCs after the end of the project