The statistical package of the social sciences (SPSS 20.0, Chicago, IL,
USA) was used for all data analyses. Three replications were performed
for this study. For each replication, five measurements of each parameter
were done. The average value of five measurements of each parameter
was calculated. Then, three ‘average values’ from three different
replication were collected and used for further analysis. The main effects
of ‘NaNO2’ and ‘storage time’ were analyzed using one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) followed by a Tukey's post hoc test. Data was presented
as mean and standard error (S.E.) (calculated by the ‘Descriptive’
in the one-way ANOVA command). Partial correlation coefficients were
calculated from the error SSCP Matrix analyzed by GLM. Statistical significance
was defined at P b 0.05.