The Human Pump
You heart is about the size of your closed hand, and weighs only about 280 grams. But it is very strong. It is the engine of the human body. The heart beats over 100 thousand times a da. It never stops pumping blood through your body.
The heart brings fresh blood to the rest of the body. The blood contains the food and oxygen that the body needs. The heart also recycles blood and cleans it of waste before it sends it on its journey through the body.
You have about 4.7 liters of blood in your body. You heart pumps about 7600 liters of blood a day, every day, all your life. The blood travels through tunes called vessels. There are about 96000 blood vessels in the human body.
In order to have a healthy heart, observe the following points:
Smoking:D: Don't smoke.Smokers have twice the risk of heart disease.
Overweight:Eat healthy food.Overweight people have an increased risk of heart disease.
Stress:People with stressful jobs have a higher risk of heart disease.
High blood pressure: People with high blood pressure have more heart attacks.
Fitness: Physical activities and exercise reduce the risk of heart disease.