Alves et al. (2014)17 studied inappropriate using medication in elderly by the 2012 Beers Criteria. This cross-sectional study was done in elderly people aged ≥ 60 years old that hospitalized. The record were exclude if patients have any readmission. The study covered the period between 1 January and 31 December 2011. Four hundred forty medical records were reviewed in this study. Dipyrone, omeprazole, and metoclopramide were the most commonly used drugs19,20. The most frequently used medications according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification (ATC) system were those of the alimentary tract and metabolism, nervous system, and cardiovascular system4,17. Among the 255 types of drugs used, 42 (16.40%) were included in the Beers list, and the three most often used were metoclopramide, ketoprofen, and aspirin. Because the amount of medications used in one patient was substantial, potentially inappropriate medications by the Beers Criteria were significant.