Episode 17
And so, when it was hurriedly decided that he would visit the Sumeragi, on that same night, Harold explained fairly well about the policy they would follow from then on to Norman and the others, and made the preparations required for a long term stay.
After that, he left the Stokes mansion a few days later, and a week from then, he arrived at the Sumeragi territory where the cherry-blossoms were in full bloom.
The cherry-blossoms Harold knew of couldn’t be in the state of full bloom for a whole month, but it seemed as though that wasn’t the case in this world. It must be that “Cherry-blossoms” and “Cherry-blossoms” were just similar but not the same.1
While thinking about that, Harold was sitting in seiza2 on the cushion laid on the room of tatami mats, and was gazing at the pink flowers swaying in the wind.
It had been about 30 minutes. While putting into practice the method which he had learned in his previous world of sitting in seiza so as not to let his legs become numb, Harold was waiting for Tasuku to finish his official tasks, while sipping on some green tea3 once in a while.
「Harold-kun, how about another cup of tea?」
「………..Make it a bit more stronger this time. The aroma is thin and above all, it’s tepid」