There is no certain cure for rabies except supportive care.
Rabies can be prevented before the latent symptoms can develop, consists of giving a person an injection of rabies
immune globulin and another injection of rabies vaccine
as soon as possible after the bite or exposure to saliva
from an infected animal. Human rabies immune globulin
is used or injected at the bite area immediately because it
attacks the virus and slow down or stop viral progression
through the nerves [29]. Timing and the ability of the
patient to respond by making a good immune response is
a key to patient survival. Untreated or inappropriately
treated rabies is almost always fatal because treatment is
supportive only to limit the patient’s pain. An effective
new rabies treatment regime that gives the protection
from the disease is developed by the scientists. The treatment
regimes are; Post-exposure prophylaxis and Preexposure