The effects of curdlan in combination with microbial transglutaminase on the gelling properties of
hairtail muscle protein were investigated. When curdlan of 4 g/100 g paste was combined with transglutaminase
at a concentration of 0.4 units/g meat paste, the gel strength, water holding capacity and the
whiteness of the heated gel were improved. Textural profiles, such as hardness, springiness, cohesiveness,
guminess and chewiness, reached their peaks as well. The increased band intensity of cross-linked
proteins, accompanied by weakened myosin heavy chain, was observed from the SDS–PAGE pattern,
indicating that curdlan might activate the formation of more e-(c-glutamyl) lysine cross-links induced
by transglutaminase, especially at the level of 0.4 units/g paste, leading to a denser gel matrix.
The effects of curdlan in combination with microbial transglutaminase on the gelling properties ofhairtail muscle protein were investigated. When curdlan of 4 g/100 g paste was combined with transglutaminaseat a concentration of 0.4 units/g meat paste, the gel strength, water holding capacity and thewhiteness of the heated gel were improved. Textural profiles, such as hardness, springiness, cohesiveness,guminess and chewiness, reached their peaks as well. The increased band intensity of cross-linkedproteins, accompanied by weakened myosin heavy chain, was observed from the SDS–PAGE pattern,indicating that curdlan might activate the formation of more e-(c-glutamyl) lysine cross-links inducedby transglutaminase, especially at the level of 0.4 units/g paste, leading to a denser gel matrix.
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