ConclusionsACTIVE MAP-USING OXYGEN ABSORBERS HAVE BEEN EVALUATEDfor modeling the gas changes in a pouch containing respiringproducts. The proposed mathematical model was successfully val-idated on real conditions with a MAP system in an LDPE pouch con-taining tomatoes and a commercial iron-based oxygen scavenger.The developed model could be easily used in further simulationsof active MAP of other respiring products to evaluate the potentialinterest of using oxygen absorbers in traditional pouch. It couldhelp, for example, to minimize the number of needed experimentaltrials to predict the size, the type, the capacity, the absorption rateof the required absorber.The strong influence of oxygen absorber on reduction of thetransient period duration and on elimination of the CO2 peak hasbeen demonstrated in the present study. Further research is need-ed to evaluate the effect of active MAP on quality parameters andto predict the temperature variation effect. Moreover, it would benecessary to generate additional information on the use of othergas absorbers, such as carbon dioxide or ethylene absorbers.