Porou s o r pervious concret e i s c o ncrete with continuous voids which are intentional ly incorpora ted into con crete. It belongs to a comp letely different categor y from conven- tional concret e and hence its physica l charact eristic s differ great ly from those of normal concret e. Porous con crete can be used in numerous applic ations such as permea ble concret e for pavement , base course, concret e bed for vege- tation or living organis m, noise absorbi ng concret e, ther- mal insulated con crete and other civil engineer ing and architectur al applications . Porou s c o ncrete pavement has been used for over 30 years in Englan d and the US [1] . The inter est and resear ch in porous conc rete has been gen erated worl dwide especi ally in the US and Jap an [2] . Although fundame ntal infor mation includi ng the influ ence of the void ratio, W /C, cemen t p a ste