We are contacting you in regards to your order #15-0724-2230
for the product "Tools remix (Accessory)".
Although we had confirmed your payment for your order,
unfortunately we were unable to obtain this product,
most likely to be due to a miscount of stocked product.
We have done our best to check with all the suppliers we have
dealing with, but they did not have any stock either.
As such, we are sadly unable to provide you the item this time.
We will refund the difference for this stock shortage, either as
Hobby Search Points, or as payment return to your credit card,
so please tell us which is more convenient for you.
If there are anything you would like to add to your currently
pending shipment, we will also be able to accept additional orders,
so please contact us again.
We appreciate your confirmation and reply, thank you very much in advance.